Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

Sisterhood BloggersI was nominated by Emma at Miss Print. (You can see Emma’s post about it on her blog, too. Thank you, Emma!)

The rules:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site
  • Put the award logo on your blog
  • Answer the ten questions they’ve set you
  • Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer
  • Nominate ten people

Emma’s questions:

1. Favorite book of all time? (Top five if you can narrow it down).

Oh my goodness. This question is so BIG, Emma! Okay, favorite series of all time, hands down, is Harry Potter. Recently, I can give you a few: Endgame by James Frey, We Were Liars by E. Lockhart, The Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo, and the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas. I recently got back into fantasy, thanks heavily to Maas, and I’ve been hooked ever since rediscovering my love for the genre.

2. Best thing about being a blogger?

Honestly, I love the community. Before I became a blogger and became more active on Twitter, I had no idea how much I loved and cherished this YA community – bloggers and readers alike. I love reviewing and blogging, absolutely, unabashedly yes, but I also love all of the fellow bloggers I’ve become close to while I’ve been blogging.

3. Worst thing about being a blogger?

Well, since I’m just starting out, it’s tough to get noticed. I’ve had a few gems, like when Lamar Giles asked to use quotes from my review of his upcoming book, Endangered, in marketing material, but I’m mostly unnoticed. I know that with hard work, it will move past that though. So, everything that is negative will get better with time.

4. How many books do you read per week (month if it’s easier to parse)?

It really depends on the length, how into the story I am, and what my work looks like. I am a first year teacher and just started on January 5th, so I’m still finding a good balance. Without work, I’m finishing 2-3 a week, normally.

5. Where do you do most of your reading?

When I was working at my job (before I got hired as a teacher) I did a lot of reading there. I worked front desk at a salon, and when we were slow (which was a lot) I would always have my nose in a book. Now, I do a lot of reading at home, or with my kids when they’re silently reading in class.

6. How many books are on your to read list right now?

I seriously have too many to count. And I can’t even honestly answer this question since it’s forever moving and changing and growing.

7. What’s one goal for your blogging life in 2015?

One big goal I have is to add different posts. I am a huge reviewer – I adore reviewing books, new, upcoming, or backlisted. I want to add more features like Top Ten Tuesdays or Waiting on Wednesdays, or anything else my creative mind could think up.

8. What 2015 release are you most excited to read?

Well, thanks to Emma, I get to read The Red Queen early (thank you SO much)! Then, later, Sarah J. Maas’s A Court of Thorns and Roses.

9. If you could change the ending of one book, what would it be and why?

This is a big question, too. The one that comes to the forefront of my mind is the ending of the Divergent trilogy by Veronica Roth. The end of that series destroyed my psyche and I am still recovering from that hurt. Thanks, Roth.

10. Open spot to share another bookish fact about yourself of your choice!

I am really, really self-conscious about how new I am. I feel like I haven’t done the leg work to be taken seriously, and it’s difficult to get print review copies, rather than e-galleys. I prefer to read ARCs in print, but I’m doing the best I can. All of the encouragement I keep getting definitely helps!!

Blogs I’m nominating:

Andi @ Andi’s ABCs

Mary @ Mary Had a Little Book Blog

Alexia @ Adventures in Reading

Rachel @ The NerdHerd Reads

…and anyone else who wants to do this! I’m still new, don’t kill me!

My questions:

1. What was the first book or series that got you addicted to reading?

2. Do you come from a family of readers, or are you the black sheep?

3. What do you enjoy the most about the blogging community?

4. Do you like sharing your opinions on crazy author situations on Twitter, or do you prefer to keep to yourself?

5. What’s the best thing that’s happened to you because of blogging?

6. What’s the worst thing that’s happened to you because of blogging?

7. Who would play your favorite character, from your favorite book, in a movie about that book?

8. Who are your favorite publishers and why?

9. How many blog posts do you normally write per week (or month, if that’s easier)?

10. How do you decide what to put on your blog, and what to cut out?